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4 Ways To Transform Your Relationship with Food During Perimenopause

4 Ways To Transform Your Relationship with Food During Perimenopause


4 Ways To Transform Your Relationship with Food During Perimenopause

Evening in the kitchen, and there it is – the familiar pull towards that tempting chocolate bar (or any other favorite food of yours). Your mind says it’s for comfort, but your heart knows it’s the perimenopause blues talking. 

In the perimenopause stage of life, women often experience a complex relationship with food. This period, characterized by hormonal fluctuations, significantly impacts both physical and emotional health. So even if you didn’t have any issues with your relationship with food, during perimenopause,  you might find yourself struggling with it during and after. 

Is Mindful Eating The Answer? 

If your relationship with food is impacted only by fluctuating hormones, then mindful eating might be a method you’d benefit from. However, if you struggle with a complex relationship with food due to reasons like past trauma, stressful environment, medications, or long-lasting depression and anxiety, you may want to check other treatments first, like guided psilocybin sessions first, before you try mindful eating. 

The Impact of Hormonal Changes on Eating Habits

Hormonal changes during perimenopause lead to increased cravings, emotional eating, and changes in metabolism. By paying closer attention to what and how they eat, you can better manage these symptoms. Foods rich in Omega-3s, phytoestrogens, and fiber can support hormonal balance, while the practice of mindful eating can enhance the overall relationship with food.

What Is Mindful Eating?

Mindful eating isn’t a diet. It’s a practice of being fully present and conscious of the eating experience. This approach is particularly beneficial during perimenopause, because of all the emotional eating and hormonal imbalances. 

Ready to try mindful eating and not sure where to start? Here are 5 things  you can try:

Listening to Your Body’s Wisdom

Your body speaks a language crafted over millennia. Yet, during perimenopause, it often feels like it’s speaking in riddles. When starting to practice mindful eating, you need to tune into the messages your body is sending you. Are you eating because you’re hungry, or are you seeking emotional comfort? Deciphering these messages helps you take mindful action.

Eating for Hormonal Balance

Food can be medicine, especially during perimenopause. Try to explore foods that support hormonal balance – think Omega-3s, phytoestrogens, and a rainbow of fruits and veggies. Perimenopause requires you to give your body a different set of nutrients than what it used to need in your 20s and 30s. If you need support with understanding your nutrition, check the Perimenopause Relief Secrets.

 But beyond the nutritional content, mindful eating is about enjoying the act of eating, and celebrating each meal as a form of self-care.

New Rituals for a New Phase

Create new rituals around food – whether it’s a solo lunch date in your favorite café or a weekend cooking spree. It’s about making each meal an experience that nourishes you on all levels. Body and soul together. 

Your Journey, Supported

Embracing perimenopause with mindfulness toward food is a journey of discovery. It starts with a decision, but to really master it, you need to stay consistent and accept all the lessons this journey teaches you. But you don’t have to walk this path alone. It helps to have a community around you, support, a source of knowledge, and a place of empowerment during this journey. 

Practical Tips for Mindful Eating

  • Pause Before Eating: Take a moment to appreciate your food’s appearance and aroma.
  • Eat Slowly: Chew thoroughly and savor each flavor, this will aid with digestion and satisfaction.
  • Understand Your Cravings: Distinguish between true hunger and emotional needs.
  • Nourish with Intention: Choose foods that nourish your body and support hormonal health.

If you’re looking for more insights and techniques, check out the Perimenopause Relief Secrets.


So, next time you’re in the kitchen, faced with a craving, take a moment. Reflect on what your body truly needs. This moment of mindfulness is your first step towards a healthier relationship with food.

Curious to learn more and transform your perimenopause experience? Discover the wealth of resources and support waiting for you in the Perimenopause Relief Secrets.

Liat Nadler is a nutritionist, dietitian, health and food relationship expert, licensed psilocybin facilitator, influencer, coach, and a Wall Street Journal #1 Best Seller co-author. She is the founder of Fabulous Healing Nutrition & Wellness, a retired engineer, who helps result-driven females get their glow, increase their confidence & energy, and step into their unstoppable sexy badass selves during perimenopause and beyond!


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